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Action Research on Research Culture


Papers and Reports

On this page are publications from the project, which may be academic papers, pre-prints, reports or policy briefs. Outputs are categorised by strand, although some are more general in scope. Publications will be posted here as they appear over the course of the project. If you cite or reference our writing, please provide appropriate attribution.


Strand 0

These standalone research briefs form part of the ARRC team’s background research to understand current practices around research culture issues in other countries. The briefs summarise practices from select European universities about the ways they approach the recruitment of postdocs and postdoc precarity.

Read the Policy Brief - Recruitment of early career researchers (postdocs)

Read the Policy brief - Precarity of early career researchers (postdocs)


Strand 1

Read a pre-print of our Strand 1 (Narrative CV) pilot qualitative results 

Read the Development of a Bayesian Thurstonian Model for Analysing Ranking Data From Live Postdoc Recruitment 


Strand 2

Read our access peer review article (version 1) about our Year 1 study 'What seems to be missing is actual reality' Why don't postdocs engage with career-focused professional development?